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Drool While Asleep 

If you drool while asleep, you may have an uncomfortable night trying to find a dry side of the pillow.  Drooling while asleep is not uncommon and it can be prevented.  Teething babies often drool whether they are awake or asleep.  This is because their mouths are sore and they have a tendency to keep it open and chew on things more.  Parents who drool while they are asleep may also have dental issues that cause this.  Drooling is quite common in teething babies whether they are awake or asleep.  Babies may also drool for reasons other than teething.  Parents who notice this may want to check for the onset of illness as this can cause a baby to drool.

If parents are drooling at night when they sleep it may be caused by a respiratory infection.  Drooling at night while you sleep may also be caused simply by the way you sleep.  If you tend to rest on your back, you are more prone to drooling than if you lie on your side.  Most people discover this when they decide to become awake after being asleep.  They find a cold, wet spot on the pillow beside them.  This can be uncomfortable and embarrassing for people.

See Also: Partner Sleep Problems

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to