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Drooling In Sleep


Drooling in sleep may occur for many reasons including posture, illness and dental issues.  Most symptoms of drooling can be controlled with minor treatment or a slight change in sleep or in lifestyle habits.  When sleeping, you salivate less than how you salivate throughout the day but also do not swallow as frequently.  The frequency slows at night.  Mouth breathers are more prone to drool while asleep.  This will also increase the likelihood of snoring and others could also be disturbed.  It does not become a severe problem unless it is excessive.  Drool while sleeping can disturb you often during the night.  Slumbering on a wet pillowcase can be irritating.  While asleep, if you feel moisture on your pillowcase, often changing it will help and allow you to fall back asleep more comfortably.

While there is no cure, there are drugs available to help reduce the way you salivate during the night.  Cures for ailments that may contribute are also available.  It can be uncomfortable and sleeping can be disturbed.  After getting drunk, there is a much greater risk for drooling.  If you drool during sleep there is no need to worry.  This disorder is only inconvenient and does not pose more serious problems.

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to http:www.//

See Also: Sleep Sack Comparison