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A Message From The Editor

This site was created because I have experienced sleep problems for much of my adult life. Thankfully these problems were not severe however they have impacted several areas of my life including my choice of career.

My spouse was the first person to alert me to a potentially serious sleep problem when she commented on my snoring and the fact that I seemed to struggle to breathe while asleep. I spent one evening being evaluated at a sleep clinic and it turns out that I have mild sleep apnea. This means that I stop breathing multiple times each night.

I decided to combine my own personal research on the topic with my new business venture of website publishing and this website is the result.

It is a work in progress and I am learning many things. My goal is to provide information from the patient's point of view. Many sites while very high quality tend to be from the physician's point of view and can be technical. I have and will be adding links to good information sources so that they reader has the option of increasing their knowledge on the subject.

Thank You,
Andrew Thomas

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