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CPAP Machines, Masks and Accessories - Help for Your Sleep Disorder

Studies have shown that over 40% of adults snore with over 20% being habitual snorers. In many households snoring is more frequent among the male inhabitants (some would even say more socially acceptable) and in people who are overweight. Generally the problem gets worse with age. The cause is the obstruction of the free flow of air through the passages at the back of the mouth and nose. The adverse effects of snoring have recently been more widely recognized by society and its relationship with obstructive sleep apnea. Medical professionals prescribe various solutions to lessen the effects of obstructive sleep apnea including changing your sleep position, CPAP machines, masks and accessories (CPAP is an acronym for a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure appliance ), the surgical or laser removal of soft tissue on the back of the throat and soft palate, as well as adjusting the position of the jaw. Of these four methods the CPAP machine, mask and accessories is the most effective appliance if each component is used correctly by the individual.

The CPAP machine or machines along with the proper accessory or accessories delivers air into your airway through a specially designed nasal mask or masks. The airflow from these masks, machine and accessory component provide enough positive air pressure when you inhale through the masks that it Woman Wearing CPAP Maskkeeps the airway open and thus improves or eliminates the breathing difficulties caused by obstructive sleep apnea. You must wear the CPAP mask with the machine and accessories component while sleeping which some people find difficult, however the mask, machine, with the proper CPAP accessory or accessories are considered the most effective non-surgical treatment for the alleviation of the health affects of sleep apnea. The health effects of not using the CPAP machines or appliance with the proper CPAP accessory component can include fatigue or headaches caused by continually awakening each night as your body struggles to breathe. More serious longer term health issues of not using the CPAP appliance and proper accessory component can include cardiovascular problems.

You are required to use the mask and machines every night if your medical professional determines that the appliance is right for you. In addition certain lifestyle changes will likely be recommended including weight loss, cutting back on alcohol and recreational drugs as well as exercise. Using the masks and machines as prescribed by a medical professional has been shown to be over 90% effective in lessening the effects of sleep apnea and snoring.

If you have some of the following symptoms of sleep apnea you should consider seeing a medical professional:

  1. Do you snore loudly?
  2. Are you continually drowsy throughout the day?
  3. Do you wake up each morning with a headache or fatigue?
  4. Has you spouse/partner told you that you stop breathing or your breathing is strained several times each night?
  5. Do you wake up frequently during the night?
  6. Are you frequently drowsy while driving or as a passenger in a motor vehicle?
  7. Do you have short term memory loss due to fatigue?

A sleep study done by a qualified medical professional will be required in order to confirm the severity of your condition as well as to properly adjust the airway pressure on the CPAP mask and machine. Each accessory component of the appliance will need to be fitted correctly.

See Also: Sleep Disorder Information and Strapless CPAP Mask