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Many are Unaware of the Relationship Between Insomnia and Aspartate
Treatment Options are Available

Insomnia and aspartate are fairly well known to go hand in hand.  Many supplements, including aspartate, may have adverse side effects, particularly to patients who suffer from insomnia.  This is particularly true of many performance enhancing supplements.  Dosages that are more than recommended or misuse of the supplements may also contribute to side effects such as insomnia or difficulty sleeping.  It is recommended that anyone who is interested in taking supplements of any kind should first consult their Doctor to make certain that the supplements will not interfere with any medical treatments or medications that the patient is already taking.  The doctor may need to explore the connection between aspartate and difficulty sleeping so it is imperative that the patient fully disclose all supplement use.

Aspartate, or aspartic acid, is a non essential amino acid.  The human body easily absorbs aspartate through the lining of the intestines.  They aid in carrying certain minerals, magnesium and potassium and other substances, into the blood stream and the body’s cells.  In theory, aspartate enhances the performance of the substances such as magnesium as well as helping the body rid itself of ammonia in order to protect the central nervous system from ammonia toxicity.  In short, aspartate helps protect the body from harmful free radicals.  Aspartate is often added to magnesium and potassium.  This forms mineral salts, potassium and magnesium aspartate.  Aspartate has also been attached to amphetamines in medical treatment such as in the treatment of hyperactivity.

The side effects experienced by the use of aspartate depend a great deal upon what the aspartate binds with and how it is used.  In many cases, because it does enhance the performance of the substances to which it is bound, as well as rids the body of free radicals, there is more of a chance that side effects will occur.  These side effects include insomnia or difficulty sleeping.  In theory, when the aspartate is working on the cells, they are oxygenated thus causing increased energy which contributes to difficulty sleeping.  If a patient is taking supplements containing aspartate, he should stop taking the supplement and contact his physician for treatment if there is any indication of side effects such as sleeping difficulties or insomnia.

See Also: Insomnia and Causes

About The Author:
Kerri Iamele is a successful author and regular contributor to