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There are Many Sources Available For Information on Insomnia


So you can’t sleep?  Why?  What causes it?  What can you do about it?  What is a cure or a treatment option? Where can you find the information on insomnia that you need?

Don’t stress!  Fortunately, there are many resources available to gain information about insomnia causes, treatment and possibly a cure.  If you have a computer and Internet connection, then there are many health-related websites on the Internet that are available to you.  Encyclopedic websites, such as, and can be excellent sources for general information about insomnia and other personal health issues.  Most local hospitals and large physician groups now have websites that offer information, or helpful links, to the information you need.  These are often marketing tools to get patients into their sleep studies as well.  Also, searching user groups on the Internet can be a wonderful resource.  You can learn from others that actually suffer from sleep disorders about their treatments, remedies, possible cure and other advice.

Libraries are also fine sources of information.  Many books and journals on insomnia and sleep disorders are available at the public library.  Health libraries can also be found attached to medical schools and in some metropolitan cities.  The health libraries will include more specialized periodicals and research material specifically about treatment and cures.  Although one can find much material regarding insomnia at these libraries, it may also be helpful to research psychological journals as well because a lot of sleep issues are related to stress.   Stress related issues are among the most common reason for insomnia.  Gaining as much information on stress is in and of itself one the best cures for your overall health. Recent news programs on CNN, CNBC and Fox examined stress as it related to insomnia and other sleep disorders.

If problems about your sleep are beginning to stress you out, the best advice would be to consult a physician or other health care specialist.  A doctor can examine, test and best consult with you about the latest treatment and cure options for insomnia.  The head nurse will also be able to provide you with the most relevant information on the particular issues that you may be dealing with.

See Also: Many are Unaware of the Relationship Between Insomnia and Aspartate

About The Author:
Kerri Iamele is a successful author and regular contributor to