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The Fisher And Paykel Humidifier and CPAP Machine
Comfort For the Apnea Patient

December 4, 2007

In an effort to soothe sleep apnea, the home Fisher and Paykel humidifier delivers a continual amount of heated air to make a comfortable sleep environment. This comfort is of course achieved by moisturizing that dry, compressed and heated air which passes through the home Fisher and Paykel CPAP therapy machine.

If you'll remember, snoring and some forms of apnea is caused by a blocked airway. CPAP therapy forces air through the throat at night. But often this air is drying - causing the sleep apnea victim to waken with a case of 'dry mouth.' The home Fisher and Paykel CPAP therapy humidifier moistens this air so that it feels as natural as the heated air that originates from our own bodies. And it's through the use of a humidifier, that patients are more receptive to use this method of treatment.

With accompanying nasal products and face mask, this particular humidifier prevents the sleep apnea victim from snoring or experiencing otherwise, dangerous levels of obstructive breathing. And additional Fisher and Paykel supplies, accessories, equipment and features are designed to provide the same amount of comfort (such as low noise operation), while the entire system continues to simultaneously provide an effective treatment and full night's sleep.

See Also:  Loud and Excessive Snoring Is Cause For Concern

About The Author:
Nicole Miller is a successful author and regular contributor to