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Loud and Excessive Snoring Is Cause For Concern

January 15, 2008


If you suffer from a chronic sleep disorder, excessive snoring  or loud snoring, or if you live with someone who's prone to loud snoring from time to time, you'll want to pay special attention to the following health explanation and warnings. Snoring - whether small or excessive is a common yet serious sleep problem that warrants full health assessment and treatment. Why? Research has found that snoring is actually a form of apnea, and it's a symptom of getting an insufficient amount of air through the throat during sleep.

If you're getting a little frightened, you should be. Sleep apnea that goes without treatment can lead to even more health problems and ultimately death. In fact, this sleeping disorder is such a major concern, that researchers attribute it to low IQ scores among young children.

In some cases, physicians treat this disorder with surgery or cpap machines. Whether you think your apnea or snoring is mild, excessive, or simply loud, you really must visit your doctor and discuss its treatment options. One of those options may be a weight evaluation, as too much weight can contribute to snoring. You may not think that your weight is on the heavy side, but your sleeping disorder just may indicate otherwise!

See Also: Getting Help with Your Fisher Paykel Cpap Machine

About The Author:
Nicole Miller is a successful author and regular contributor to