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People Who Experience Excessive Daytime Sleepiness are Likely Experiencing Sleep Deprivation and Need To Be Treated


Excessive daytime sleepiness, EDS, is a fairly common disorder that has been linked to several health related issues.  This disorder goes beyond daytime drowsiness and people experiencing excessive sleepiness during the day can be at risk for some major health problems.  EDS affects about 12% of the population and is the common complaint of people who are seen at sleep clinics.  Excessive drowsiness during the daytime is related to sleep deprivation.  The problem is determining why the patient is being deprived of sleep.  Some people experience such extreme sleepiness that they spontaneously fall asleep involuntarily all during the day, as is with narcolepsy.

Daytime drowsiness is a common complaint with many people, but with EDS the sleepiness is excessive to the point of the person simply not being able to stay awake.  People who experience this inability to stay awake and fall asleep uncontrollably are considered to be suffering from narcolepsy.  Narcolepsy is a disorder that is caused by the brain’s inability to regulate sleep.  People with narcolepsy will, throughout the day, experience an overwhelming sense of sleepiness.  This drowsiness may lead to the person falling asleep for seconds or even minutes at a time.  In very rare cases people may sleep for hours.

Other common causes of EDS include insomnia, drugs, alcohol, and a variety of illnesses and disorders.  People who experience excessive drowsiness in the daytime should see a doctor to first rule out more serious conditions.  Sleep apnea can be treated effectively with a CPAP device and other forms of sleep disorders can also be treated with much success.  Stress relief therapy may also be recommended to people who live a high stress lifestyle.  What is important is relieving the patient of the sleep deprivation as it can cause depression, irritability, anxiety, decreased productivity, lack of energy and various illnesses as well as making the patient more susceptible to illness.  Sleep is a vital way that the body repairs itself and recharges itself to work at optimum levels.  Therefore, all measures should be taken to relieve the patient of his or her sleep deprivation disorder.

See Also: Causes and Facts About Insomnia

About The Author:
Kerri Iamele is a successful author and regular contributor to