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CPAP Side Effects Range From Discomfort to A Dry Airway
Simple Adjustments Can Overcome These Problems

CPAP side effects can vary from patient to patient.  When an apnea patient uses a continuous positive airway pressure machine, or CPAP, they may experience effects that are not pleasant.  While there are side effect of CPAP use, the benefits far outweigh any unpleasant experiences that treatment may cause.  Conveying any negative effect of CPAP use to the patient’s physician may help the patient find a treatment option that he or she can be comfortable with even if it means a simple adjustment from face mask to nasal pillows or a better fitting mask to decrease facial pressure.

Side effects of CPAP use can include dry nasal passages, sleep deprivation stemming from the inability to sleep due to discomfort and even sleep deprivation of the apnea patient’s partner because the machine is too loud or the patient cannot sleep.  Insomnia that stems from CPAP use can expound the apnea disorder as sleep deprivation takes its toll.  The effect can be difficult, particularly is the insomnia is continuous.

A very common side effect of CPAP treatment is the discomfort that the mask presents.  The continuous pressure of the mask on the face and nasal area may be uncomfortable enough that the patient is unable to sleep.  Mask discomfort is a primary reason that apnea patients stop using their CPAP machines.  Dryness of the nasal passages and the mouth are another common side effect of treatment with the CPAP.  The continuous flow of high pressure air, which may not contain much moisture, is one of the common side effects of CPAP use.  A humidifier may alleviate that discomfort.

The important thing that apnea patients should remember is that under no circumstances should they discontinue use of their CPAP treatment.  If the patient experiences sleep disruption for these or other reasons, he or she should talk to their physician and find a solution that is satisfactory to both the patient’s comfort and his or her treatment.  While sleep deprivation from unpleasant side effects of the CPAP can be a substantial health issue if not treated, sleep apnea can be deadly.

See Also: CPAP Therapy is Very Effective in Treating Sleep Apnea

About The Author:
Kerri Iamele is a successful author and regular contributor to