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CPAP Nasal Pillows Offer Users A Higher Degree of Comfort Than The Traditional CPAP Full Face System


CPAP nasal pillows are a widely accepted alternative to the traditional CPAP mask in treating sleep apnea.  Conventional apparatus for the CPAP system involved wearing a breathing mask that is quite similar to a breathing mask used in hospitals.  Patients, however, found this mask system to be uncomfortable and confining.  Because so much of the face was covered, patients using this sleepgear complained of feelings of claustrophobia and general discomfort.  The CPAP with nasal pillows sleepgear is better, however, as it only covers the nostrils although the mouth is sometimes held shut with chinstraps.  Still, the nasal pillows for the CPAP system is often a welcome option of patients for their apnea treatment.

With the nasal pillows, the face is more open as opposed to the standard facemasks where both the mouth and nose are covered.  The nasal pillows, on the other hand, cover only the nostrils to create a feel that is less constricting.  One possible drawback to this therapy, though, is that sometimes the mouth is forcibly held closed by the use of a chinstrap.  This, however, is a vital feature for some because it insures that breathing is conducted solely through the nose and not through the mouth.  Nasal pillows, though, are also very favorably received in apnea treatment therapy because their positioning on the face and head allow for more comfortable sleep positions.  This therapy is considered a much more comfortable choice in sleepgear in the treatment of sleep apnea.

Only the apnea patient can decide his or her own best treatment option.  In choosing the nasal pillows sleepgear though, fit is an important factor in finding a treatment option that is comfortable.  If the apparatus causes discomfort, or interferes with normal sleep, the patient is more likely to discontinue use in order to attempt to gain a better quality of life.  This would be counterproductive to apnea therapy and treatment.  Therefore, it is imperative that the patient visit a qualified dealer when purchasing the CPAP system and the equipment that accompanies it for there they will have the opportunity to be properly fitted for the nasal pillow by trained personnel.  Then they will be on their way to better sleep.

See Also: CPAP Nose Mask

About The Author:
Nicole Miller is a successful author and regular contributor to