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Sleep With Your Eyes Open

Do you sleep with your eyes open or do you close them? Are you prone to drooling as well? If you slumber with your eyes open while sleeping, you and about a million other people (possibly a billion other people world-wide) share the disorder of keeping the eyes open while asleep. If you'd like to argue that this isn't a disorder among people, but instead quite normal, then maybe you'd benefit from the following information.

Health information tells us that sleep is a natural periodic suspension of consciousness during which the powers of the body are restored. The eyes are closed and the instinctive functions of healthy internal organs kick in. Requiring about 7.5 hours of closed-eye rest, the human body attempts to repair the damage it incurred in the awake state (while it sleeps, of course). More importantly, the eye participates in both REM (rapid-eye-movement) and NREM (non-REM) dream cycles of sleep.

Now in order for the eye to repair the damage it incurred during the daytime (sunlight, wind, ultraviolet waves, etc.) it needs to be closed for about 7.5 hours. The closed eye replenishes the liquid that it needs to stay smooth and fluid, whereas the eye in motion doesn't get the opportunity to properly heal itself.

If this is something that you or someone you know does while sleeping, it could very well explain dry-eyes, red-eyes, or tired eyes even after a full night's sleep.

Also See: Cause of Sleep Paralysis