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Melatonin Dosage - Too Much or Too Little - The Answer Depends On Several Factors

Melatonin is an internal hormone secreted by the pineal gland under darkness. But because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hasn't declared melatonin as an insomnia or sleep disorder drug, it also hasn't recommended a proper dosage - nor has it recommended what would be deemed as an insufficient amount or an excessive amount. This leaves us to question (and answer) how much of this pineal production is too much melatonin without the input of the Department of Health and Human Services.

The bulk of dosage information and its effectiveness that we have comes from organizations who have conducted private studies and have administered this pineal supplement to patients over a period of time. Based on factors like weight, these organizations advocate starting with a light dosage of about 1.5 mg. From that dosage, gradual increases to a larger mg (perhaps even 3.0 mg) have been found effective against sleep disorders (effective in causing drowsiness, that is) like insomnia and anxiety without noticeable side effects.

Some sleep disorder and insomnia patients have reported a few discomforts from taking what's suspected to be too much of the sleep aid. A higher than required amount of melatonin *may* cause weak cases of depression, low sex drive, fatigue, headaches, or nightmares.

See Also: Long Term Effects of Taking Melatonin

About The Author:
Nicole Miller is a successful author and regular contributor to