There are Many Reasons That the Use of A CPAP Machine Can Cause <i>CPAP Dry Mouth</i> - However There are  A Few Options That Solve the Problem and are Very Effective


August 29, 2006

By: Kerri Iamele


There are Many Reasons That the Use of A CPAP Machine Can Cause CPAP Dry Mouth - However There are A Few Options That Solve the Problem and are Very Effective

CPAP dry mouth can occur under normal usage when the device is used for the treatment of sleep apnea. A dry mouth caused by cpap use can be inconvenient and uncomfortable for you. The air that is flowing through the nose and throat while the CPAP is in use during sleep can make a person have a dry mouth. This is caused by the continuous air flow and pressure. These CPAP caused nose issues and a dry mouth can be prevented with the use of a humidifier during sleep. The dry air that flows through the throat and nose is moistened with the use of a humidifier.

If while using a CPAP you experience a dry mouth and throat because of the air flow during sleep, you can try to adjust the pressure of the air. This may be able to help the issue without having to add a humidifier to the CPAP. However, if the air in the nose and throat during sleep caused a more severe issue, there are some medications that can be used and lifestyle changes that can be employed. For instance, in the morning after waking, gargling with salt water will help alleviate any soreness that may have resulted from the dryness. The individual should also be sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. This will be healthy for skin and overall health as well as help prevent dehydration of the mouth during sleep.

A built in humidifier in the CPAP machine can be used to moisten the air as it is forced into the airway. This will make the pressure more pleasant and will not dry out the throat as much as one without it. A humidifier can be added to the CPAP and many models come with one built in to the device itself.

About The Author:

Kerri Iamele is a successful author and regular contributor to 



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