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Sleep Apnea In Children
While it Can Be Worrisome For Parents There are Treatment Options Available

Sleep apnea in children is an obstructive syndrome that prevents air from flowing through the airway when sleeping.  Apnea in children is not common but if it does occur it can be scary for parents.  Some of the symptoms of sleep apnea in children include swollen tonsils and adenoids and excessive snoring. Sleep apnea, an obstructive syndrome found in both children and adults is a lot scarier when it occurs in children.  If you have cause to suspect the disorder because of abnormal looking tonsils or adenoids, contact your pediatrician immediately.  Children with an obstructive syndrome such as the sleep apnea disorder may be at higher risk for health problems and can cause problems in school and home.

If your child seems cranky and listless during the day and all other illnesses are ruled out, check the adenoids and tonsils and check to see if the child snores during sleep.  The disorder may be present and be the cause of learning difficulties and behavioral problems that you may see during the day.  Contact your child’s doctor or pediatrician if this condition is suspected so the doctor can diagnose it completely and suggest a possible treatment type.  Treatment is important in order to ensure the child leads a healthy life and is able to function well during the day with family and at school as needed.

Also See: Sleep Apnea Learning Disabilities

About The Author:
Kerri Iamele is a successful author and regular contributor to