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Getting Baby To Sleep
A Consistent Sleep Schedule is Best

Getting baby to sleep is often a challenge for new parents.  If getting your baby to sleep is proving difficult, there are some tips you can employ so the baby and you are getting a good amount of sleep at night.  Babies will sleep a lot when they are first born.  However, their sleeping patterns may not coincide with your own.  For the first few months, this is acceptable but as the child grows, getting the baby to sleep at night when you are is a good idea.  Babies may be able to get to bed at a decent hour but may be waking up very early.  Tips on getting babies sleeping through the night will help you to get some rest yourself.  As the child grows, it is more important to maintain a regular schedule of sleeping at night to instill good rest patterns and ensure the health of the child.

Some baby tips that are popular include making sure the infant is well fed prior to putting him or her down for the night.  Also, a warm bath before bed time may help.  There are several methods a parent can employ but it is important that you are consistent with your schedule.  Infants who are on a routine fare better than those who are allowed to sleep and awaken at will.  Check with your pediatrician, though, if you are seeing any problems after the child is a few months old.

See Also: Effects of Sleep Deprivation

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to