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Toddler Sleep Problems 

Toddler sleep problems can worry parents a lot.  However, baby sleep problems at night are not uncommon during the early stages in life.  If a toddler has sleep problems, parents should examine their night time ritual to ensure there is a set, consistent schedule.  The baby should be sleeping through the night by about four months old.  However, a toddler may have sleep problems by getting up or having bad dreams.  Parents may worry that the child has a larger problem and they may feel comforted to take the child to the doctor for an examination to rule out any possible serious conditions.  The sleeping problem is likely just an issue of consistency and discipline, though.

A baby or toddler may be sleeping at a normal schedule but get up in the middle of the night.  These problems are usually not severe and as long as the child does not have a problem eventually going back to sleep, there is likely no cause for concern.  The baby will learn how to lull himself back to sleep eventually and you will no longer be awakened.  Through the first year of life, these issues are not uncommon and are no cause for alarm.

See Also: Sleep Deprivation Problems

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to