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Infant Sleep Problems 

Infant sleep problems are common in infant babies under four months old.  Baby sleep problems can affect parents and other children in the household by awakening them when the baby cries.  However, in infants it is natural for them not to sleep through the night through four months old.  If after five months, the infant is still not sleeping, the parents may want to examine the sleep routine to ensure the baby has a consistent schedule.  Parents should make sure infants are starting the bed time ritual at the same time every night.  This will help soothe the infant baby and diminish any problems that may occur.

If you are still having problems with sleep in infants or if you feel the children have unusual habits, consult your pediatrician.  Babies will normally have problems in the first few months of life.  However, babies older than five months should be looked at if they still do not rest through the night.  Children need a proper amount of rest just like adults do in order to be alert, happy and healthy during the day.  Consult a pediatrician if you continue to have concerns.  The pediatrician can examine the child to ensure there is nothing wrong and make suggestions.

See Also: Toddler Sleep Problems

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to