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Melatonin Deprivation 

Melatonin deprivation is where the body does not create enough of the natural hormone.  To learn more about melatonin deprivation, ask your physician, pharmacist or health care professional.  Lack of the melatonin hormone will affect sleep and often treatments are needed if it is a chronic condition.  A circadian rhythm is the twenty four hour cycle of your body.  Certain triggers occur with light levels so your body knows when it is time to sleep.  If the light levels are off, the circadian rhythm may be affected.  People who travel often get their circadian rhythm disrupted and experience jet lag.  Light levels are not correct resulting in deprivation of melatonin  which will affect sleep.

There are treatments and supplements that you can take as a form of deprivation therapy.  The supplements replace the melatonin missing, enabling you to fall asleep better.  This form of therapy should be discussed with your physician before taking any type of supplements.  The therapy treatments will enable you to get a good night’s rest and be refreshed and alert in the morning.  You should also be sure to get plenty of sunlight, eat well and exercise as this also often has an affect on sleeping through the night.

See Also: Prescription Sleep Aids

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to