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Natural Sleep Aids


Insomnia can adversely affect the health of people.  Lack of a good night’s rest can make people sluggish and can cause medical issues such as diabetes.  Natural sleep aids are rapidly becoming more popular as more people become health conscious.  Natural sleeping aids often do not produce the side effects of prescription medications, making them a good choice for continued health.  They also tend to be much less expensive.  Melatonin is a natural hormone that is reported to aid sleeping.  Synthetic doses of melatonin can be found in herbal stores and pharmacies.  The long term effects of melatonin for insomnia are widely unknown, however so caution should be used when taking it.

There are many other herbal remedies to aid in sleep.  Chamomile tea has long been used to aid sleeping.  This can be found in most grocery stores and is pleasant tasting.  Other sleep aids such as St. John’s Wort and herbal supplements like lemon balm and passion flower have found to be helpful in remedying insomnia.  Whenever using these remedies, it is important to ensure no adverse reactions to other medications you may be taking.  Always take remedies according to instructions and inform your doctor about everything you are taking.

See Also: Melatonin Deprivation

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to