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Lack of Sleep 

Lack of sleep can be caused by alcohol, stress and many other issues.  Sleep deprivation has many dangers.  Dangers caused by lack of sleep include health issues and accidents caused by drowsiness.  A study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows over 100,000 driving accidents per year are caused because of sleep deprivation.  This puts your life and the lives of others in peril.  Alcohol can increase the chances of insomnia and prevent sleeping peacefully.  Reducing alcohol intake will help avoid this, however.  For severe or long term issues, consult with a medical professional for diagnosis and treatment.  A doctor may prescribe medications or give you tips on how to attain a more peaceful rest.

Health dangers from sleep deprivation include glucose intolerance, heartburn and ulcers.  A study at the University of Chicago showed long term deprivation from sleeping quickly changes the body’s tolerance to glucose.  Long term sleeping issues may lead to diabetes and obesity.  Stress is also a contributing factor to insomnia.  Study your stress to determine if this may be causing restlessness at night.  To reduce anxiety, try relaxation and breathing exercises such as yoga or meditation.  This may help relax you so you are able to get a good night’s rest.

See Also: Natural Sleep Aids

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to