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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association


The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association is a non-profit organization that was created for the purpose of researching and educating the public about the condition. The association or IACFS is made up of research scientists, doctors, other healthcare professionals, institutions, and individuals who are all devoted to the research and patient care for those who suffer from the weakness of CFS or are chronically fatigued.

CFS-Constant Weakness and Fatigue

CFS is a condition that causes a person to feel chronically fatigued and/or exhausted, when there is no medical reason for the weakness – even though CFS is often caused by underlying health conditions. A short period of feeling chronically fatigued is not an indication of CFS. Instead, CFS is diagnosed when a person is chronically fatigued. Constant Muscle aches and constant weakness are also indications of CFS. The IACFS participates and funds research for new cures and works to help those with the condition to deal with it effectively.

The IACFS also works to coordinate research and information from various research institutions in the United States and around the globe as well. It serves as an information base on the condition that is continually growing so that constant information about the syndrome can be shared. Needless to say, this association performs a valuable service for anyone who is interested in CFS.

The IACFS was founded in 1990 in the state of Oklahoma by Dharam Ablashi and Ovalene Prewitt. In fact, the association was instrumental in getting physicians around the world to recognize CFS as an actual illness, and in getting treatment for CFS started. Most physicians did not recognize CFS as a disorder until the IACFS started educating physicians and researchers on the syndrome.

Today, the IACFS has met the association’s original goals to educate physicians, researchers, and patients. Patients now have the information that they need to understand and fight their chronic fatigue, and many of them are finding that the syndrome can indeed be cured.

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About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to