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Sleep Deprivation Effects on the Human Mind and Body


Sleep deprivation is a condition that affects more than 45 million Americans. Sleep deprivation effects are quite serious, having a huge impact on memory, mental functions, emotions, and our energy. There are many sleep deprived effects and the result is that each affects each person in different ways.

Sleeping deprivation effect or symptoms include feelings of fatigue and exhaustion, as well as a total lack of energy. These deprived feelings have an impact on our emotions and as a result or consequence cause us to feel sad, depressed, grouchy and even stressed.  In fact, many scientists say that sleeping deprivation symptoms often resemble those of a diabetic.

When a person goes without sleeping for an extended period of time, they will find that they feel ‘awake’ most of the time, but the consequence or effect of going without the sleep include problems at work, problems driving, and even insomnia. The simple act or result of not sleeping literally makes it harder to fall asleep once you try! A lack of rest for the body has the result or consequence of a lack of rest for the mind as well.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that they will forgo sleep in order to get some extra work done, only to find that the effect or consequence of not falling asleep is that they fall farther and farther behind in their work during regular hours. In fact, most people find that they accomplish more when they have plenty of sleep. Furthermore, the quality of the work that people do is far superior when they are not sleep deprived.

When we are asleep, our bodies and our minds go through a process that allows us to wake up fresh the next day. Sleep deprivation doesn’t just happen when one doesn’t go to sleep or falls asleep. When a person doesn’t rest well, such as when one suffers from sleep apnea, sleep deprivation also occurs. Make sure that you do not suffer the ill effect of being sleep deprived. Get at least eight hours of total rest during each twenty-four hour period.

See Also: Sleep Walk Information

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to