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Narcolepsy Disorder Review
Evaluation and Review

Narcolepsy is one of the sleep disorders characterized by being excessively drowsy during the day. The narcoleptic falls asleep at inappropriate times during the day without any warning because they are drowsy all the time. Generally the narcoleptic has fragmented nighttime sleep that contributes to being drowsy. A narcolepsy disorder review is generally warranted if the following symptoms of the disorders are present in addition to daytime sleepiness: mild to severe muscle weakness, sleep paralysis, and an extremely vivid dream like state while falling asleep or awakening.

Narcolepsy Disorder Reviewed

Research that has been reviewed has suggested that one possible reason for narcolepsy disorders is the failure of the hypothalamus to produce a hormone called hypocretin. This is responsible for triggering the hormones that help us stay alert. This condition can be due to the dysfunction of immune system.

After evaluation and review by a medical professional the individual will likely be required to fall asleep overnight in a sleep clinic. The clinic will monitor and make an evaluation of the individuals REM and non REM sleep participation. This information will be reviewed to confirm the individuals REM sleep participation. A narcoleptic generally has excessive REM sleep participation which can cause lots of brain activity and is likely the reason for the wild hallucinations and horror dreams reported by sufferers.

See Also: Restless Legs Syndrome

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to