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Spend A Proper Amount of Time in Bed Each Night - Sleep Disorder Tip #06-015


Most people know that they should be getting 7.5 to 8.5 hours of sleep per night. Yet many people continually fail to spend enough time in bed in order to achieve a proper amount of sleep. For whatever reason when it is their time for bed they get interrupted or there is some demand on their time. They fail to make their bedtime an important part of their daily routine and consequently their home and work life are affected by their sleep deprivation. Many have the same symptoms as individuals who suffer from sleep disorders.

Night shift workers are generally the worse offenders for not ensuring adequate rest. They sleep for a few hours when they get home and then decide that they need to run errands. They arrange appointments during the day which allow only a few hours rest when their night shift is over. Can you imagine the response a day worker would give if a cable television installer insisted on a 2 AM appointment for their cable installation!

If you are a day shift worker or a night shift worker you should insist on the same things for yourself. That you have the same bedtime each day and that bedtime is free from interruptions and demands.

See Also: Sleep Problems and Insomnia

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to