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Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

October 29, 2007

Signs and symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs) are pretty clear cut. But among the severity of cfs symptoms is one of major concern - and that is obesity. Obesity is much more than average fatness and in addition to raising the risk of heart disease and diabetes mellitus, it has been directly related to the severity of chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs) too. Studying this relation, there can be no doubt that weight affects critical health requirements.

One of those health requirements is oxygen. A heavy body requires more oxygen, but this weight can prevent the body from getting the oxygen that it needs. Not only does a heavy body have to carry around and manage excess pounds, fatty tissue around the ribs prevent the lungs from properly expanding to inhale and exhale. It's rather easy to discern from this illustration that shallowed breathing and obese individuals lend to tell-tale signs and symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs).

Knowing the severity of shallowed breathing, it's especially important that its victims seek treatment from a health provider. Through physical exercise, proper sleeping, and medication, cfs victims can alleviate the problems of this disorder through joint treatment and therapy.

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About The Author:
Nicole Miller is a successful author and regular contributor to