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Solutions For Severe Sleep Apnea
Serious Health Concerns

November 13, 2007

Severe sleep apnea affects the health of millions of older Americans nation-wide, but through continuous research and scientific breakthroughs, we're slowly turning this serious health threat into a minor annoyance. In the near future, we hope to eradicate problems like sleep apnea or obstructive airway breathing completely.

Severe obstructive sleep apnea is a result of a blocked airway or obstructed breathing during sleeping. Interestingly, severe obesity plays a major role in obstructive apnea, as it applies undue pressure upon the airway and makes breathing a chore instead of a natural occurrence. As we age and get older, keeping off the pounds becomes much more important than for appearances. In fact, losing the extra weight is actually one very effective treatment for this disorder.

Another treatment for obstructive apnea employs the use of various devices, which are designed to assist breathing during sleep. For the older health conscious individual, treatment might require moderate pressure manipulation with an air machine. Or treatment might involve positive behavioral changes, such as dieting and/or exercising. Through both mechanical and non-mechanical means, we can work to find a solution that enables us to breathe normally throughout the night.

See Also: Research For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

About The Author:
Nicole Miller is a successful author and regular contributor to