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Sleepwalking In Adults - Caused By Daytime Stress?


It's hard to argue against the idea that sleepwalking in adults is more dangerous than it is in children. This does not suggest that it's more important - it instead, suggests that adult sleep walking is more prone to cause serious injury... either to themselves or to others while sleep.

Also known as somnambulism, adult sleepwalking (and eating) has been linked to anxiety or stress (while awake), and overactive dreaming (not daydreaming while awake). One specific problem of sleepwalking in adults is that the adult who's walking while sleep can not only disrupt the normal sleep pattern of the family and others in the home, the same adult can also leave the home while sleep and interact with other adults who are already awake, but aren't aware of the disorder. This interaction is readily dealt with by the sleepwalker's family, as they have experience with this disorder and know exactly how to handle it. But for non-family members, this walking disorder may seem bizarre or even threatening - especially when the sleepwalker is awakened from an episode of this condition.

Another indication of the danger involved is the following example. Unlike adults, children of a young age (say 2 or 3 years) who experience a sleepwalking episode just aren't prone to pick up the house keys, unlock the door, and go for a stroll while asleep. Nor are they prone to go for drive during a sleepwalking episode the way that adults are.

See Also: Physical Effects of Sleep Deprivation

About The Author:
Nicole Miller is a successful author and regular contributor to