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The Importance Of Sleep Deprivation Studies

Sleep deprivation studies have revealed some surprising information, which indicates we may not be fully aware of all its effects. In fact, effects of sleep deprivation are much more detrimental than first thought - pointing to all sorts of failures in alertness, brain function, and related consequences.

For example, extensive hours of research studies have shown that sleep deprivation can negatively influence our memory and cognitive facilities. For children and teens, this means lower academic results, lower IQ's, and lower cognitive test performance. For adults, this means episodes of memory loss, loss of time and work hours, not to mention bad job performance. And as if this weren't bad enough, studies have also shown that sleep deprivation even leads to bad health and depression.

Plain and simple, these findings indicate that proper hours of night sleep are nothing short of necessary. We just can't properly function without them! Since sleep deprivation puts your health, and emotional and mental status at risk, you'll want to pay special attention to the information that new research studies and results put into the public view. These research reports explain new findings of sleep deprivation effects and how they manifest themselves in our cognitive abilities and memory. With the results in your hand, you're better able to assess how your very own sleeping problems are affecting your life and possibly, the lives of others close to you.

See Also: Staying on Top of Sleep Problems in Children

About The Author:
Nicole Miller is a successful author and regular contributor to