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Medication and Sleep - Your Prescription Medication May Be the Cause of Your Insomnia
Sleep Disorder Tip #06-014

You toss and turn each night trying desperately to fall asleep yet your body will not allow you to. Insomnia was rarely a problem for you until recently and there have been no real changes in your life that would explain it. Your job is going well, your relationships are good, yet you lie awake unable to sleep. One thing that is typically overlooked in these situations are any medications that you may be taking. These drugs could be prescription or over the counter such as a decongestant. Medication and sleep problems that they can create are often overlooked particularily in the case of prescription medications.

Prescription Medication and Insomnia - Speak to Your Doctor

You should speak to your Doctor about the problem particularly if you have been prescribed a new medication recently. Research has shown that over 302 medications can cause insomnia. This list included over the counter medications as well as illicit drugs. For instance the decongestant that you took at bedtime may act as a stimulant and be the cause of insomnia. Many people do not realize that a decongestant can prevent sleep.

Once you have discussed the problem with your Doctor or at the very least read the instructions carefully on the over the counter medication then your problem should resolve itself.  Your Physician will also be able to assist you on any illicit drugs that you may be using if that is your problem.

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to