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You May Want to Try To Get Up Earlier in The Morning - Sleep Disorder Tip #06-013


Many people who are having difficulty sleeping at night try to sleep as late as they can during a workday and to sleep in on the weekends. This is their way of "catching up" from their inability to fall asleep easily at a reasonable hour.

Try waking up 30 minutes earlier in the morning. This is definitely worth a try particularly when you are trying to change your regular bedtime (starting a new job etc.) You can even try to get up maybe one hour earlier.

You will feel more tired in the evening and if you are practicing proper sleep hygiene and going to bed when you are supposed to then sleep should be easier. If you continue this until you feel that you have reset your sleep clock or circadian rhythm then you can try to move back to your normal wake up time.

You may want to refer to some articles on insomnia if you are looking for more information.

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to