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You Should Avoid Naps During the Day
Sleep Disorder Tip #06-012

Many people who experience difficulty sleeping take naps during the day. They think that they are not sleeping properly during the day so this is their way of catching up.

Unless you are older and have problems sleeping through the night then you should consider not taking naps throughout the day. The extra sleep that the nap provides will not make up for hours of lost sleep in the evening. If you are taking long naps or naps close to your bedtime they may be the cause of your sleeplessness.

Please note that if you are planning to operate dangerous machinery or drive a car and you feel that to not take a nap will be risky then you will have to make a personal evaluation of the situation. However, if you only have regular tasks to perform in your day then you should try to avoid the naps in order to improve your regular sleep.

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to