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People Look for a Common Cause of Sleep Deprivation
Both Psychological and Physiological

The cause of sleep deprivation can be varied.  Some of the causes of sleep deprivation include stress, depression and sleeping disorders.  Sleep deprivation problems can cause issues in your ability to function properly in society.  This would include school, career and family life.  People need to get to get an adequate amount of sleep every night in order to be alert and awake throughout the day.  Deprivation problems cause health issues as well and can make you more susceptible to illness.  A disorder of this type causes many issues that should be addressed and treated so that you can be healthier and lead a normal lifestyle.

The ability to sleep a full night is necessary.  People who are dealing with stress often have problems with sleep deprivation because they are continually thinking of their issues.  This causes a need to find a way to deal with the lack of sleep.  The disorder may be treated with medications prescribed by your doctor if used on a temporary basis.  You may also want to try natural supplements on a temporary basis also.  Relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises and meditation can cause an ability to relax and allow the person suffering from sleep deprivation the ability to rest peacefully.

People who have sleeping problems related to health issues should contact their physician.  Pain may cause a disorder where the need for sleep is unattainable.  A post surgery issue causes a sleep disorder sometimes, leading to stress induces or pain induced issues.  Your physician may need to give you medication to properly deal with the causes of the stress so the patient can get some sleep.  Post surgery issues are often temporary and these will go away eventually.  Sleep disorders will cause a lot of problems by not allowing you to function properly.  You may not be alert and will not be able to concentrate on work or school.  You may be irritable and short with family members.  There are many treatments available to help with this issue and your physician will be able to give you valuable advice on what would be effective.

See Also: Cerebral Palsy and Sleep Problems

About The Author:
Kerri Iamele is a successful author and regular contributor to