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Antidepressants and Sleep Problems
Antidepressants Can Cause Sleep Problems for Some People Depending on the Specific Medication and Other Factors

Antidepressants and sleep problems sometimes go hand in hand.  Sleep problems caused by antidepressants can occur because sometimes antidepressants may affect REM sleep.  Problems caused by depression may lead to insomnia.  If the physician prescribes antidepressant medicines, you may even find relief from sleep problems.  Sometimes alleviating the depression will remove the cause for the sleep problems.  Tricyclic antidepressants may either alleviate or contribute to insomnia issues.

To alleviate symptoms of insomnia caused by depression, some tricyclic antidepressant medicines may be prescribed.  The antidepressants will first help with symptoms of depression.  Treating what caused the sleep problems may help with the insomnia.  Many antidepressant medicines also have a sedative effect and sometimes they are prescribed for people who are experiencing sleep problems that are not caused by depression.  Tricyclic depression medicines may also alleviate other sleep disorders such as apnea and hyperkinesis.

Tricyclic antidepressants are often used in the treatment of insomnia.  However, an antidepressant may also cause insomnia because of a disruption in REM sleep.  This disorder is called REM sleep behavior disorder or RBD.  It is generally found in men who are older.  For those people who see an earlier development of this disease, studies show that over eighty percent of these people were on some form of antidepressant.  In contrast, the older set who have developed this disease do not have anywhere close to the percentage of antidepressant use.

Anyone who is on the medication for treatment of depression should be aware of the potential side effects and risks inherent in taking the medication.  If you feel that you are experiencing any of the symptoms, contact your physician.  Some of them may be temporary but others may be more severe and a change in prescription may be needed.  Keep monitoring your symptoms and listen to your doctor’s advice on how to control the issue.  You will be able to control the symptoms by using the proper medication and listening to your physician’s advice.

Also See: What is the Cause of Narcolepsy

About The Author:
Kerri Iamele is a successful author and regular contributor to