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RBD Sleep Disorders


REM behavior disorder or RBD sleep disorders is when REM sleep is disrupted and the patient seems to lose muscular control.  During REM behavior disorder, the patient seems to flail violently causing potential harm to themselves or others.  REM or rapid eye movement is a natural state of sleep.  When RBD disorders occur the person seems to be acting out their dreams while in sleep.  Rapid eye movement behavior disorder can be harmful to the person who is experiencing it or to anyone who is near the person.  RBD disorders occur in sleep for only a small percentage of the population.  RBD disorders are also a relatively new disease that has been recognized.  Rapid eye movement behavior disorder has not caused any fatalities that have been reported to date but it can be problematic.

Those who have this disease will often need to be examined in a sleep study so patterns can be observed for a complete diagnosis.  Then, recommended treatment will be prescribed.  This disease has several types of medications that may be used in the treatment and people react to them differently.  Until the disease is regulated and under control, it may be wise to limit exposure to an individual with this disease as many injuries have been reported.  If you have injured yourself or your spouse while asleep, you may want to get checked by a physician.

See Also: What is Narcolepsy

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to