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Avoid Alcohol before Bedtime
Sleep Disorder Tip #06-006

Many people like to have a few drinks in the evening before they go to bed. They do not believe that it affects their sleep yet they find themselves tired the next day.

While alcohol may help to calm an active mind for some individuals it also does not allow you to achieve a good night's rest, particularly if you fall asleep drunk. Excessive amounts of alcohol in your system will actually prevent you from having a proper sleep cycle until the alcohol is out of your system. This interruption of the sleep cycle means that the individual will most likely wake up tired and irritable.

This author does not advocate quitting alcohol consumption entirely, however, I do recommend that you consume alcohol in moderate amounts only within a few hours of going to bed. This way you fall asleep with only moderate amounts of alcohol in your system. You will wake up clearer and more refreshed.

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About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to