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Consider Listening to Music
Sleep Disorder Tip #06-003

Do you ever find yourself unable to relax after a busy day? Many people would like to be able to relax but are unable to find a way.

One suggestion is to play calm and soothing music while lulling yourself to sleep. You can choose music that has been designed for this very purpose or you can choose something more personal.  The music designed to help you sleep can be a composition or in many cases sounds of nature including such calming sounds as wind in a forest or waves gently caressing a beach.

The music will calm you and ease your mind if you allow it. However, there is one word of caution here. You must make sure that the music shuts itself off when completed. If you have to rise in order to turn it off you will lose its calming effect.

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to