<i>Sleep Apnia Symptoms</i>


June 20, 2006

By: Andrew Thomas

Website: http://www.sleep-disorders-help.com

Sleep Apnia Symptoms

Sleep apnia is a sleeping disorder where patients have a disruption in breathing caused by a blockage in the airway. Sleep apnia symptoms include difficulty breathing during sleep and excessive snoring. Symptoms of sleep apnia can range from mild and irritating to extremely disruptive. Treatment of apnia symptoms sometimes involves medication in some cases and usually the use of a sleep apnia machine called a CPAP. The CPAP will help alleviate apnea symptoms like trouble breathing and snoring. Patients who use a CPAP machine usually see a lot of improvement in their condition.

Apnea medication used for treatment of the disorder can also include minor surgery or oral medication. Patients who use the drugs in conjunction with a CPAP machine find symptoms of the apnea disorder manageable. Treatment using one or both methods is generally successful. People who have this problem often have trouble getting a full night’s rest. Unfortunately, this causes them to have difficulty during the day as well. They are often tired and sluggish. This condition can cause problems at home at work or at school. Because the person is so tired, they often tend to be less productive at work due to a lack of ability to concentrate.

About The Author:

Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to http://www.sleep-disorders-help.com. 



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