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Common Sleep Medications


Sleeping problems such as insomnia can occur for a variety of reasons.  Lack of sleep can cause more severe health problems.  Use of prescription medications can be helpful in treating this disorder.  Common sleep medications are drugs such as Dalmane, Doral, Halcion, Prosom and Restoril.  Information on sleep medications including potential side effects should be obtained from your doctor before starting treatment.  Common side effects for these prescription drugs are dependency or reduced effectiveness.  Insomnia and other sleeping problems that adversely affect your health should be looked at by a physician.  These drugs can only be obtained with a prescription.  Other common problems should also be ruled out in case of multiple issues.

Insomnia can cause serious health issues such as diabetes and obesity.  Symptoms of this disorder can be treated with drugs and lifestyle changes.  Melatonin is another remedy for a sleeping disorder.  Use of this natural hormone is reported to increase length and quality of slumber, leading to a more pleasant lifetime.  Drugs and natural remedies should only be used with the advice of a physician.  Be sure to tell your doctor everything you are taking, including natural remedies.  This will help reduce risk of side effects or adverse drug interactions.

See Also: Insomnia Sleep Problems

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to