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Sleep Masks 

Sleep masks provide a means to sleep peacefully throughout the night without being bothered by light.  The mask goes over the eye to help block light.  An examination of sleep masks will be helpful in determining the type best suited.  Some are made from cloth or gel.  There are those that are filled with soothing beads.  If you experience continual eye problems preventing you from peaceful rest, an examination from an eye doctor is advisable for possible additional treatment.  People with apnea and who are getting treatment by using a CPAP machine may also have trouble resting.  Examine your slumber patterns to see if a mask will be beneficial or if you may need further treatment.

Masks are available in most stores that supply CPAP machines for apnea patients.  If you are using a CPAP machine for apnea, examine the various types available to see if one may be beneficial.  They come in a variety of colors.  Although the general shape is similar, there are variations to choose from such as butterflies or animals.  Examine the mask by trying it on for comfort and the amount of light blocked.  It should not feel too heavy but should stay securely in place.  Some also include a head strap to ensure they stay on during movement.

See Also: Sleep Mask Analysis

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to