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Melatonin Side Effects
A Natural Remedy

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland that is located near the center of the brain. It regulates the sleep wake cycle of the individual. When darkness falls the eyes register the light change and the outcome is that the pineal gland produces melatonin. The result of the production of this natural medicine is that the body is prepared for rest. When people get older they produce less melatonin and the consequence or outcome of this is that they sleep less.  Children and teens on the other hand have an abundance of melatonin and the result of this is that they seem to be able to sleep for extraordinary periods of time. There are no serious melatonin side effects but if you are pregnant or have a pre-existing medical condition you should check with a medical professional before taking the medicine. There is not a serious melatonin side effect to be concerned about; however there are many benefits of this natural sleep remedy.

Melatonin-No Side Effects from this Medicine

Melatonin is a great sleep remedy for people who have interrupted their sleep wake cycle by travel (jet lag) or shift work. Traveling across different time zones has the effect of confusing the body and the consequence or outcome of this is lower melatonin levels.

Shift work has a similar effect on melatonin levels. The average shift worker sleeps 5 hours per day versus the recommended 8-hour average.  The consequence of this sleep deprivation is a lower ability to concentrate, loss of short term-memory and fatigue. The result is decreased job performance and lowered productivity. A melatonin supplement can help alleviate this sleep deprivation.

Also See: Sleep Medication Effects

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to