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Melatonin Information Reviewed
Evaluation and Assessment

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland that is located near the center of the brain. The pineal gland regulates the sleep wake cycle of the body by secreting melatonin at nighttime when our eyes register the change in light. The older an individual gets the less melatonin the body produces which could explain why sleep is more difficult for the elderly. In order to provide relief from this insomnia some people take melatonin supplements, which is why it is important to have and medical examination and your melatonin information reviewed and an analysis performed by a medical professional. A proper examination, assessment and evaluation should be performed. This examination, analysis and information will help you determine if melatonin will treat your insomnia or sleep disorder. The melatonin information review and assessment will also help you potentially avoid unnecessary side effects and inform you.

Information and Assessment-Inform and Review

Children have more melatonin then adults and existing information confirms these levels decrease with age. Additionally sleep research, analysis and review has determined that melatonin production is lessened in individuals who have interrupted sleep schedules such as shift workers; frequent travelers who have jet lag and individuals with sleep disorders.

Melatonin is not known to have any dramatic side effects, but in order to better inform yourself and to avoid any danger (particularly if you are pregnant or have preexisting medical conditions) you should seek the advice of your medical professional and receive a proper assessment.

See Also: Sleep Aids Reviewed

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to