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How to Stop Snoring
Methods to Discontinue Snoring

Snoring is considered by many to be only a breathing problem but for many it has social ramifications as well. Ironically it is the latter reason and not the potentially more serious breathing problem that is the reason that most seek remedies on how to cease or stop snoring. In determining on how to end or cease snoring you should evaluate the severity of your snore condition. Find out from your spouse how often you have snored, the severity of the snoring and if you stopped and started snoring after the following events.

Discontinue Snoring-How to End the Snore

Have you snored heavily only after a late or heavy meal? Have you snored heavily after drinking? Has the snoring discontinued or stopped after you lost weight? Have you stopped snoring after you stopped sleeping on your back? Finally is your snoring very severe and according to your sleeping partner you cease or discontinue breathing multiple times each night? The latter is a symptom of a potentially serious condition called obstructive sleep apnea and should be checked out by a qualified medical professional.

The end result of this evaluation is to determine if you have a minor snore condition that can be stopped by a change in lifestyle, or do you have a major physical problem that requires that you wear a CPAP mask (continuous positive airway pressure) or have snoring surgery. If you suspect the more serious condition then to assist you to discontinue the snoring you should seek medical advice.

See Also: Cures For Snoring

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to