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Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Symptoms and Treatments

Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that is characterized by the cessation of breathing multiple times each night while at rest. Symptoms of the apnia disorder include loud snoring and gasping for air while sleeping due to the obstruction of air. The symptoms of obstructive sleeping apnea are usually identified by the individuals sleeping partner who may be alarmed by the cessation of breathing of the individual while at rest which is likely disruptive. The snoring and cessation of breathing can be disruptive to both the sufferer of obstructive sleep apnea and disruptive to their spouse.

Some contributors to the obstructive sleep apnia disorder include being overweight, sleeping on your back, and alcohol consumption prior to falling asleep. The individual may also have a narrowing in the back of the throat that is obstructive to airflow while asleep or at rest.

Treatments for the obstruction of air include a CPAP mask and machine. The CPAP mask (continuous positive airway pressure) maintains a positive pressure for the wearer and is extremely effective against the obstruction if worn correctly while asleep. If the CPAP mask is ineffective then surgery is an option where the back of the throat is enlarged in order to allow the better passage of air. Lifestyle choices such as losing weight and cutting back on alcohol consumption are recommended.

A medical professional should be contacted if you or your spouse suspects that you suffer from this sleep disorder. A night at a sleep clinic will likely be required for a proper diagnosis of apnia.

Also See: Sleep Apnia Masks

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to