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Best Apnea Information
Causes and Potential Treatments

According to the best apnea information available obstructive and central apnea are primarily caused by two reasons. Information on obstructive apnea confirms that a blockage in the airway above the throat causes breath cessation at regular intervals while sleeping. In the case of central the most excellent apnea information confirms that the brain fails to be informed or fails to tell the individual to breathe. Central apnia is not as common as obstructive apnia according to researchers and informed sources and at best it effects up to 10% of the population according to the information from some updated studies.

In the case of the more common obstructive apnia a lot of excellent information is available as it is becoming more recognized by the best and most informed medical professionals. General information on treatments includes CPAP machines. Excellent information is available from your medical professional as well as sleep clinics, which are more common in urban centers. They would be happy to tell you and keep you updated and to inform you about correct treatments.

A lot of individuals may be unaware they have either condition unless their spouse or partner decides to tell or inform them. Even then they may decide that it is not serious and choose not to receive care or to update or inform themselves even if they have the symptoms of an apnia disorder. It is important to deal with the condition as quickly as possible and to keep updated about new treatments. The spouse could also take a role to inform their partner.

See Also: Sleep Apnea Information

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to