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Analysis of Sleep Problems


If you have had a sleeping study done, the sleep technician probably went over the results with you and gave you an analysis of sleep problems that may have been discovered during the study. While a sleep technician can give you the results of the study and explain what those results mean, it is usually in your best interest to take the analysis of the sleep problem to a medical doctor to be analyzed and to determine further diagnosis of any disorders and to obtain treatment.

Sleeping studies are done to gain data. That data is compiled and analyzed to determine whether a sleep problem exists. You must understand that the sleep study can only produce data. It isn’t as dependable as doing a blood test to see if you are pregnant or not. With a blood test for pregnancy, you find that you either are or you are not pregnant. It’s black and white with no gray area. On the other hand, a sleep study is more generalized and the analysis that is given can only be determined by taking the data and comparing it with what that data might indicate.

In other words, it is an educated guess that is backed up with data – but it takes a medically trained professional to diagnose a sleeping disorder or problem, and a medical professional to treat those disorders. Don’t leave your health unattended! By all means, have a sleep study done – but then discuss the analysis and any problems with your physician. Most sleep disorders can be treated in one way or another – but they can only effectively be analyzed and treated by a licensed professional.

See Also: Sleep Walking Examined

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to