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Sleep Talking Information


If you have been told or someone has decided to notify you that you talk or have a conversation while sleeping, you may be astonished, and in some cases even frightened. Don’t despair, by having sleep talking information or an update you will find that you are more comfortable with the idea that you may talk while sleeping – and with this sleep talk information and update, you may even find that you stop talking while sleeping altogether.

Update and Notify

Sleep talking and conversation are very common, and it is not an indication of a health problem. Regardless of popular belief, it isn’t even an indication of a guilty conscience. When we talk while sleeping or carry on a conversation, it simply means that we are responding to our dreams while at rest. We are not expressing desires or even giving away our secrets. We are simply verbalizing or giving an update about whatever it is that we are dreaming about at that moment. Most of the time, we do not remember our rest dreams, and we certainly do not recall talking in our sleep.

Sometimes, we do have actual conversations while at rest with other people who are wide awake. This is where secrets may be revealed. In our sleep, we do not have the mental capacity required to be dishonest. What this means is that if we are capable of having conversation in our sleep, if we are asked a direct question, we will probably give a direct answer.

Again, sleep talking does not indicate a rest health problem. If it indicates anything at all, it is an indication of stress, and it is still simply directly related to our dreams – which are also subject to our stress levels. There is no treatment and no cure for sleep talking, but if your dreams are causing you to lose sleep, you may notify or speak with your doctor about sleep medication that puts you into a deeper sleep.

See Also: Narcolepsy and Symptoms

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to