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Teen Sleep Examined and Studied


Many groups have requested researchers to conduct tests were teen sleeping is examined and studied. These groups want to examine this issue as they feel that the teenager or adolescent group is not sleeping enough, and they are absolutely right! Teenager sleep has been studied by many scientists and the results are astounding.

Teen Sleep Studied-Examine Adolescent Sleeping

When we sleep, the REM cycle allows us to fully retain and examine the information that we learned during our waking hours. But because a teenager often suffers from self imposed sleep deprivation, they may have very short REM cycles, if they have REM cycles at all! This adolescent lack of rest causes teenagers to learn more slowly than they normally would – if they have the proper amount of sleep. In fact, many teenagers get so little rest that they may not entirely go through all of the stages of sleep.

Teenagers actually need more sleep than adults. Adults typically need six to eight hours of rest, but teenagers need eight to ten hours of uninterrupted sleep each twenty four hour period. In most cases, teenagers do not get enough sleep simply because they want to stay up late, and have to get up early for school. Some groups have even gone so far as to blame school schedules on the sleep deprivation of teens today.

In order to ensure that our teens are getting the sleep that they need, we need to make them go to bed earlier. Remember, they need eight to ten hours of rest each night. School schedules are not likely to change, so instead, we must change bed times – even though our teens don’t like that very much!

See Also: Talking in Your Sleep

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to