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Chronic Fatigue Examination
Constant Weakness and Exhaustion

The World Health Organization has studied and defined chronic fatigue syndrome as a neural disorder. The population segment that has the highest incidence of being chronically fatigued is women age 30 to 50.  Symptoms include exhaustion, constant muscle pain, muscle weakness, joint pains, headache, sore throat, low blood pressure and depression. One of the difficulties of the condition is how difficult it is to examine and diagnose. Some in the medical community still consider it to be a psychological problem and consequently there is still much debate that they need to examine and that needs to be studied.  For individuals who suffer from some of the above symptoms should seek out the assistance of a medical professional for an examination. This chronic fatigue examination will likely examine the lifestyle choices the individual has made. The choices that need to be studied include the amount of hours they work, their sleep schedule and the amount of stress they are under.

Chronic Fatigue Studied- Constant Weakness

There are several recognized causes of chronically fatigued immunodeficiency syndrome. They include exhaustion, slow metabolic activity, hormonal imbalances, metal intoxication, weakness, and digestive disorders. This exhaustion along with the other causes is each difficult to measure and require the expertise of a medical specialist in order to make a proper diagnosis.

Chronically fatigued syndrome is becoming more and more common in the western countries.

See Also: Chronic Fatigue Immunodeficiency Syndrome

About The Author:
Andrew Thomas is a successful author and regular contributor to